Madonna: Shocking Fans With Her Comments About Coronavirus

With the corona-virus pandemic affecting the whole world and the United States being severely impacted by the virus, Madonna has caused outrage among many people.

A shocking statement

It is on her Instagram account, in video, that the singer, who had to cancel her tour a few weeks ago, spoke about the corona-virus, explaining that she had been tested. Madonna says she has the antibodies that would protect her from the disease and that she will take advantage of this to go for a car ride with her windows open to breathe the good air of Covid-19: “I found out that I have the antibodies to fight the corona-virus, so tomorrow I’m going to go for a long car ride, roll down the window, drive and breathe the air of Covid-19.”


Of course, the reactions were immediate and several people pointed out that immunity to Covid-19 has not been proven yet and may not even exist and that people who have already had the disease may get it a second time. The singer’s behavior would therefore, according to her fans, be both potentially immature and dangerous to her health.