Kim Kardashian Accused Of Taking Advantage Of The Covid-19 Crisis To Get Rich

Did Kim Kardashian take advantage of the pandemic to get richer?

The brilliant idea of making stylized coronavirus protection masks

In the United States, as in France, the wearing of masks has become a necessity to protect ourselves from the Covid-19 pandemic. Kim Kardashian understood this and decided to put on sale, via her underwear brand SKIMS, five models of masks in neutral colors sold for $8 each (or $25 for 4).

But the initiative was not to everyone’s taste. Kim Kardashian was immediately accused of taking advantage of the Covid-19 crisis to get richer and richer: “Are you seriously making money with this? You should give them to hospitals… ” “How dare you use Covid-19 to make money? “…Comments blaming the star’s behavior never end…

Kim Kardashian Accused Covid-19 Crisis Rich masks SKIMS coronavirus

Out of stock in just a few hours!!

To defend herself, Kim Kardashian explained that she had donated 10,000 of her masks to several charities dear to her heart such as “Baby2Baby”, “LA Food Bank” or “Good+ Foundation”. Through her “SKIMS” brand, she also donated $1 million to help families affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

But that doesn’t seem to be enough to satisfy the star’s fans, who are disappointed to see her get rich while a crisis of global proportions is raging.

A controversy that has not prevented the brand’s masks from being out of stock in just a few hours. Kim Kardashian said in another tweet that she is working with her local partners in Los Angeles to produce new ones as quickly as possible. New stock should be available in the coming weeks.