Kate Middleton: How She Got Rid Of Her Rivals To Marry William

How she conquered her prince

Kate Middleton and Prince William are celebrating their nine-year wedding anniversary. It’s been a tough story: the couple’s relationship has had its ups and downs. Faced with rivals and the fickle nature of her prince, Kate Middleton had to fight to win his heart.

On April 29th, Kate Middleton and Prince William celebrate their earthenware wedding. Nine years after their long-awaited marriage, the couple now have three children. A fairy-tale ending to a story that began in 2002, when the young woman takes part in a charity fashion show and catches the prince’s eye with her very transparent dress.

However, the relationship between the young lovers has not been an easy one, and before she could get together with her future husband, Kate Middleton had to fight and get rid of her rivals.

It took a lot of patience, to the point where she was nicknamed “waity Kate”, “Kate who waits”. Prince William took his time before proposing to the young woman in 2010. While the task of finding someone ready to assume the role of future sovereign is not easy, Prince William seems afraid of commitment and prefers his life as a womanizer, loving to fool around with models.

Prince William and Kate Middleton

There is another woman with whom he has been lent a relationship: Jecca Craig, a childhood friend. In 2000, Prince William spent the summer of his “gap year” – a sabbatical year – at Jecca Craig’s family’s reservation in Kenya: it was there that a rumor of a relationship between the two was born. In 2003, Jecca was even invited to William’s birthday party and sat at the head table.

A few years later, it was rumored that she might be behind the break-up of Kate and William’s relationship?

Kate Middleton has conquered her prince…

Because in 2007, Kate Middleton and Prince William split up. Quickly, the young prince goes back to his old habits: we can see him disembark in a nightclub shouting “I’m free”. An event that leaves Kate sad, as witnessed by an anecdote according to which she got drunk on white wine. However, she does not despair and does not hesitate to get noticed at a disguised party wearing a sexy nurse’s costume.

She then gives Prince William freedom, knowing that he will come to win her back. “We were both very young, it was at university and we were both building ourselves up. We needed a little space. It worked out for the best,” she explained to the press at the time of their engagement.

Prince William and Kate Middleton

A technique that will work: they will fall back into each other’s arms. By giving William the time he needs, Kate Middleton eclipses all the others. The young couple made a promise to each other: “They said that for the next few years they would work and enjoy their lives to the fullest, knowing full well that one day, when the timing was right, they would become husband and wife.

But Kate will not forget. To show her disapproval of her “rivals”, she doesn’t hesitate to use strong symbolic gestures. In March 2016, she lets William attend Jecca Craig’s wedding alone, as a last thumb to the one who could have overshadowed him. Wife of the future King of England and mother of an heir to the throne, Kate Middleton has managed to turn her stormy romance into a true princess story.